Vol. 1 No. 2 (2008): Jurnal Crop Agro

Teknik Pembibitan Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) (Technic of Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas L.) Seedling). Bambang B. Santoso dan Bambang S. Purwoko .................................................
Pola Pertumbuhan Awal Tanaman Kedelai Pada Kondisi Cekaman Intensitas Cahaya Rendah Dan Pemberian Inhibitor Plastida. (Uji Cepat Toleransi Kedelai Terhadap
Cekaman Naungan). (Seedling Growth Pattern of Soybean Under Low Light Intensity Stress And Application of Plastid Inhibitors (Quick Test For Soybean Tolerance
To Shade Stress). Kisman……………………………………………………………………...
Pertumbuhan Bibit Gaharu Pada Beberapa Jenis Naungan. (Growth of Agarwood
Seedlings Under Several Shading Materials). Akhmad Zubaidi dan Nihla Farida…………..
Keragaan Aksesi Kacang Komak (Lab-Lab purpureus (L.) Sweet) Pulau Lombok Pada Lahan Basah Dan Kering. (The Performance of Lombok Island Hyacine Bean (Lab-Lab purpureus (L.) Sweet) Accessions in Wet And Dry Land). Erna Listiana dan Sumarjan……...
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Analysis of Genetic Differentiation Among Ascochyta Blight Resistant Accessions of Faba Bean (Analisis AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) Terhadap Keeratan Genetik Antar Galur Tahan Kacang Babi Terhadap Bercak Ascochyta).Uyek Malik Yakop……………………………………….
Aktifitas Actinomycetes Endofit Sebagai Bionematisida Terhadap Meloidogyne javanica. (Activity Of Endophytic Actinomycetes As Bionematicide Against Meloidogyne javanica). Dwi Ratna Anugrahwati.............................................................................................................
Pengaruh Jenis Dan Dosis Nematisida Terhadap Aktifitas Meloidogyne javanica
(Effects Of Types And Dosages of Nematicides on Activities of Meloidogyne
javanica). Sudirman dan M.E.P. Pasorong................................................................................
Skrining Streptomyces Sp. Isolat Lombok Sebagai Pengendali Hayati Beberapa Jamur Patogen Tanaman. (Screening Of Lombok Isolates Of Streptomyces Sp. As A Biological Control Agent Of Some Fungal Plant Pathogens). Irwan Muthahanas dan Erna Listiana........
Pengendalian Hama Keong Mas (Pomacea Analiculata L.) Dengan Teknik Perangkap
Dan Jebakan. (Pest Control of Golden Snail (Pomacea Canaliculata L.) By Application of Attractant and Trapping Techniques). Astam Wiresyamsi dan Hery Haryanto.....................................
Kesesuaian Jenis Kemasan, Suhu, Dan Lama Penyimpanan Inokulum Komersial Jamur Mikoriza Tanah Vertisol Lombok. (The Suitability of Packaging Materials,
Temperature And Storage Duration For Commercial Inoculum of Mycorrhiza
Fungus on Vertisol of Lombok). Wahyu Astiko.......................................................................